How Technology is Reshaping Physical Therapy
Advancements in technology have significantly impacted many fields. One of the most important, however, is the field of healthcare. As technology continuously advances, so does the way healthcare services are provided. The field of physical therapy is seeing a large shift in the way practitioners provide care to their patients. With the utilization of physical therapy technology, practitioners are able to monitor the well being of their patients from their own homes. Here are two main aspects of physical therapy that are significantly impacted with the utilization of technology.
Remote Monitoring with Physical Therapy Technology
One of the most beneficial technological advancements on the rise in the field of physical therapy is tele-health monitoring. Tele-health monitoring is the use of technological devices, such as computers and smartphones, to obtain healthcare services and efficiently monitor health. Telehealth services are beneficial because they allow patients to engage in healthcare practices from the comfort of their own home. According to a recent study conducted by the CDC, 70% of patients do not follow through with important physical therapy sessions to rehabilitate their joints. Telehealth has the potential to change this. Patients will soon have access to physical therapy technology from the comfort of their own homes.
Increased Patient engagement Through Physical Therapy Technology
Patient engagement is when a patient combines their knowledge, skills, abilities and willingness to manage their own healthcare. Patient engagement has been shown to rise when patients are being remotely monitored. They are much more involved in their recovery processes and health decisions. Patient engagement improves patient satisfaction, reduces the amount of doctor’s visits, lowers health care costs, increase revenue and result in an overall better health outcome. Increasing patient engagement is one of the many ways physical therapy technology is shifting the field of physical therapy.
With many more changes on the horizon, the field of physical therapy will continue to change. Its important to understand the benefits that come from the advancements in physical therapy technology. These technologies have potential to significantly change the way practitioners and patients manage health. Remote monitoring and patient engagement are two aspects of physical therapy that will significantly change as practitioners begin to utilize more technology. To learn more about how you can change the way you provide or engage in physical therapy, contact us here.
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